This summer we visited family in the treasure state of Montana, land of big skies, rivers, glacier parks, Rimrocks, rainbows, geysers, hailstorms, prairie lands and wheat fields. You feel arrested by beauty at every turn, so much so that you have to stop, be still, and breathe it into your soul. And of course, amongst the blazing beauty, I fell in love with dishes aptly named, Prairie Gold, treasure indeed.
We visited cousins on the Hoagland Ranch, still worked by family, cattle ranchers and farmers. Riding on the back of their flatbed pick-up, we toured the wheat fields during harvest, watching our cousins drive the combines harvesting the wheat. Such beauty in those fields. Hard work, but gloriously beautiful.

Back at the ranch (always wanted to say that), it was love at first sight. There in her china cabinet were the most glorious plates and glasses (why didn't I take a picture?) She told me she found them in the basement, nobody else wanted them, and she loved them. Her mom said they were given away in detergent boxes, and if you bought a tractor, you got a whole set. I was hooked. When I returned home I found out more about them, as well as purchasing plates and glasses on eBay. Got to love eBay.
There are lots of glasses available, but I'm starting with these petite wine/juice glasses. Love the wheat stalks on each side.
I didn't know what I wanted for the centerpiece, but something wheaty, earthy, wildflowerishy, so found various dried stalks at Michael's that reminded me of Montana, golds, sage greens, and purples. The short stemmed glasses called for something low, unobstructed, like the prairie itself (I may be over thinking this...) Nixed the vase, arranging them along the table in a free flowing manner.
Needs movement, like wind blowing through the golden prairie filds. Gold mesh ribbon seemed to flow/blow across the table. Candles for golden the sun going down on the fields, time to dust off the road and go to supper...(definitely over thinking this but this is my thinking.)

Found out that Lifetime China Co. did produce china as promotions for many companies, but I never found an ad for a tractor! I'm so on it looking. If you have stories or leads, please send to me!
Silverplate, Oneida Community Baronet circa 1923, because of the simple design and detail at the bottom of each piece reminding me of a wheat stalk.
Wrapped the napkins in silver rings then covered with ribbon.
It may be because school starts this week, but I'm so in the mood for Fall, harvest golds, warm colors, and the season of thanksgiving. We are blessed to live in this country, to feel God's greatness in the mountains, prairies, oceans, rivers, and around our tables. Blessings and treasures indeed.
Sharing this post with Tabletop Thursday.
Plates - Lifetime China Co. Prairie Gold, eBay
Chargers - Garage Sale, Malibu, CA
Glasses - Homer Laughlin Prairie Gold wine glasses, eBay
Flatware - Community Silver Plate Baronet, Goodwill ($15)
Napkins - Starched damisk, Estate sale, Woodland Hills, CA (6 for $8)
Napkin rings, Goodwill (8 for $5)
Flowers - dried and artificial stalks from Michael's
Candle holders - Home Goods, last year ($5)
Ribbon - Michael's
Tablecloth - Ventura Flea Market, last Fall ($3)